
Tensor and multi-view data decomposition

Platelet response to influenza vaccination reflects effects of aging

A. Konstorum, S. Mohanty, Y. Zhao, A. Melillo, B. Vander Wyk, A. Nelson, S. Tsang, T.P. Blevins, R.B. Belshe, D.G. Chawla, M.T. Rondina, T.M. Gill, R.R. Montgomery, H.G. Allore, S.H. Kleinstein, A.C. Shaw

Aging Cell, n/a, pp. e13749

nipalsMCIA: Flexible Multi-Block Dimensionality Reduction in R via Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares

Max Mattessich, Joaquin Reyna, Edel Aron, Ferhat Ay, Misha Kilmer, Steven H. Kleinstein, Anna Konstorum

Bioinformatics, vol. 41(1), 2025, pp. btaf015

A supervised bayesian factor model for the identification of multi-omics signatures

Jeremy P Gygi, Anna Konstorum, Shrikant Pawar, Edel Aron, Steven H Kleinstein, Leying Guan

Bioinformatics, 2024 Apr, pp. btae202


Integrated longitudinal multiomics study identifies immune programs associated with acute COVID-19 severity and mortality

Jeremy P. Gygi, Cole Maguire, Ravi K. Patel, Pramod Shinde, A. Konstorum, Casey P. Shannon, Leqi Xu, Annmarie Hoch, N. Jayavelu, Elias K. Haddad, Elaine F Reed, Monica Kraft, Grace A. McComsey, Jordan Metcalf, Al Ozonoff, D. Esserman, Charles B. Cairns, N. Rouphael, S. Bosinger, S. Kim-Schulze, F. Krammer, Lindsey B. Rosen, H. van Bakel, Michael Wilson, W. Eckalbar, H. Maecker, Charles R. Langelier, Hanno Steen, Matthew C. Altman, R. R. Montgomery, Ofer Levy, Esther Melamed, B. Pulendran, J. Diray-Arce, K. Smolen, G. Fragiadakis, Patrice M. Becker, R. Sekaly, Lauren I. R. Ehrlich, Slim Fourati, Bjoern Peters, S. Kleinstein, Leying Guan

Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2024

A multi-omics systems vaccinology resource to develop and test computational models of immunity

Pramod Shinde, Ferran Soldevila, J. Reyna, Minori Aoki, Mikkel Rasmussen, Lisa Willemsen, M. Kojima, Brendan Ha, J. Greenbaum, James A Overton, Hector Guzman-Orozco, Somayeh Nili, Shelby Orfield, Jeremy P. Gygi, R. da Silva Antunes, Alessandro Sette, Barry Grant, Lars Rønn Olsen, A. Konstorum, Leying Guan, F. Ay, S. Kleinstein, Bjoern Peters

Cell Reports Methods, 2024

Multi-omic longitudinal study reveals immune correlates of clinical course among hospitalized COVID-19 patients

Joann Diray-Arce, Slim Fourati, Naresh Doni Jayavelu, Ravi Patel, Cole Maguire, Ana C. Chang, Ravi Dandekar, Jingjing Qi, Brian Lee, Patrick van Zalm, Andrew Schroeder, Ernie Chen, Anna Konstorum, Anderson Brito, Jeremy P. Gygi, Alvin Kho, Jing Chen, Shrikant Pawar, Ana Silvia Gonzalez-Reiche, Annmarie Hoch, Carly E. Milliren, James A. Overton, Kerstin Westendorf, Charles B. Cairns, Nadine Rouphael, Steven Bosinger, Seunghee Kim-Schulze, Florian Krammer, Lindsey Rosen, Nathan Grubaugh, Harm van Bakel, Michael Wilson, Jayant Rajan, Hanno Steen, Walter Eckalbar, Chris Cotsapas, Charles R. Langelier, Ofer Levy, Matthew C. Altman, Holden Maecker, Ruth R. Montgomery, Elias K. Haddad, Rafick P. Sekaly, Denise Esserman, Al Ozonoff, Patrice M. Becker, Alison D. Augustine, Leying Guan, Bjoern Peters, Steven H. Kleinstein

Cell Reports Medicine, vol. 0, 2023 May

Steroyl-CoA Desaturase 1 (SCD1) protects ovarian cancer cells from ferroptotic cell death.

L. Tesfay, B. Paul, A. Konstorum, Zhiyong Deng, A. Cox, Jingyun Lee, C. Furdui, P. Hegde, F. Torti, S. Torti

Cancer Research, 2019

Neoantigens retention in patient derived xenograft models mediates autologous T cells activation in ovarian cancer

M. Y. Want, A. Konstorum, R. Huang, Vaibhav Jain, S. Matsueda, T. Tsuji, A. Lugade, K. Odunsi, R. Koya, S. Battaglia

Oncoimmunology, 2019

Contribution of three dimensional architecture and tumor-associated fibroblasts to hepcidin regulation in breast cancer

Nicole Blanchette-Farra, Daniel W Kita, A. Konstorum, L. Tesfay, David J Lemler, P. Hegde, K. Claffey, F. Torti, S. Torti

Oncogene, 2018

Large-scale in silico and microarray-based identification of direct 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 target genes.

Tian-tian Wang, Luz E. Tavera-Mendoza, D. Laperrière, E. Libby, Naomi Burton MacLeod, Yoshihiko Nagai, V. Bourdeau, A. Konstorum, B. Lallemant, Rui Zhang, S. Mader, John H. White

Molecular endocrinology, 2005

PDE and ODE models

Activation of the HGF/c-Met axis in the tumor microenvironment: A multispecies model.

A. Konstorum, J. Lowengrub

Journal of theoretical biology, 2018

Feedback Regulation in a Cancer Stem Cell Model can Cause an Allee Effect

A. Konstorum, T. Hillen, J. Lowengrub

Bulletin of mathematical biology, 2016

Predicting mechanism of biphasic growth factor action on tumor growth using a multi-species model with feedback control.

A. Konstorum, S. Sprowl, M. Waterman, A. Lander, J. Lowengrub

Journal of coupled systems and multiscale dynamics, 2013

Discrete models

Systems biology of ferroptosis: A modeling approach

A. Konstorum, L. Tesfay, B. Paul, F. Torti, R. Laubenbacher, S. Torti

Journal of theoretical biology, 2020

A mathematical model of combined CD8 T cell costimulation by 4-1BB (CD137) and OX40 (CD134) receptors

A. Konstorum, A. Vella, A. Adler, R. Laubenbacher

Scientific Reports, 2019

Systems biology & dimension reduction

A Systems Biology Approach to Understanding the Pathophysiology of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer: Focus on Iron and Fatty Acid Metabolism

A. Konstorum, M. Lynch, S. Torti, F. Torti, R. Laubenbacher

Omics : a journal of integrative biology, 2018

Comparative Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Dimension Reduction Techniques on Mass Cytometry Data

A. Konstorum, Nathan Jekel, Emily Vidal, R. Laubenbacher

bioRxiv, 2018


A Hierarchical Modeling Approach to Data Analysis and Study Design in a Multi-site Experimental fMRI Study

Bo Zhou, A. Konstorum, Thao Duong, K. Tieu, W. Wells, Gregory G. Brown, H. Stern, B. Shahbaba

Psychometrika, 2013

Software/Source code

nipalsMCIA: Discovering shared and data-specific signals using joint dimensionality reduction

M. Mattessich, J. Reyna, E. Aron, A. Konstorum, 2024


Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Preclinical, Clinical, and Public Health Mathematical Models

Justin Sheen, Lee Curtin, Stacey Finley, Anna Konstorum, Reginald McGee, Morgan Craig

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol. 86, Springer, 2024, p. 56

Addressing current challenges in cancer immunotherapy with mathematical and computational modelling

A. Konstorum, A. Vella, A. Adler, R. Laubenbacher

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2017


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